Heartfelt welcome on Aanchal's website, she is an author and designer. she has also been a lifestyle enthusiast and fashionmonger.
Aanchal has several areas of interests in creative fields including above, she has worked with fashion weeks and designers associated with FDCI. she has been blogging about lifestyle, health and art. her anthologies work got published by rosewood publications, notion press and many more. She wrote for fashion magazines, fashion and lifestyle blogs and news papers.
she is a like-mind philosopher and design researcher associated with indian institute of technology, delhi. she believes educating people about design and art is soulful and brings purpose to her life.
Short tale about Aanchal
Where kids dream about being an engineer, docter, model, businessman, ceo or anything that add value to their life, Aanchal has always dreamt of becoming an author. Apparently not because it is very fascinating but because it has deep meaning of life's purpose. aanchal had and have an unique lens to picture life in her own opinion and thoughts that has penned her to be an author for lifetime. Gradually she has developed her interest in designing and painting which has given her power to curate her life according to her with more colors. Aanchal comes from small yet holy city, which adds values of simplicity in her life and nature, moreover from the city she belongs to is well known for theirs famous writers and artist, no doubt the city and its legends impacted her same way. She believes making career which makes money is easy but to make career with the one which provides peace and deep understanding towards life is more meaningful.