“We felt so lonely in the crowd. And now we feel so connected in isolation.”
It’s been said, there are pros and cons to everything. In halfway of hassle bustle life, unknowingly we stuck in a time phase where we are lock-down in our own respective houses. No hurly-burly for going office, no stucking in traffics, no stress, no chaos.
I am sure, most of us have seen such a situation foremost in a lifetime. where everyone is feeling bounded and getting gloomy thoughts, let’s count on the pro side of this phase of quarantine.
fortuitously, we encountered ample time where we can make the most of it by following our passions, revive hobbies, indulge with creativity, upskilling, and much more.
precisely, in this lock-down, let’s not be down. Let’s take this other way round.
Peep inner-self, analyze yourself, rethink what you actually want, think how far you've come, replan your goals, strengthen your relationships, break the ice, fill all the communication gap and most importantly declutter your mind and your life.
Take a deep breath, reset and restart your life from scratch, with new energies and auras.
We should be thankful for this pause, at-least we got alarmed, which makes us realize where we are heading?
Personally, if I talk about myself, I count this period as a complete blessing. Which has arrived with thousands of opportunities for me, I mean this is the time I was looking for.... a time plenty of time with myself in my own company, where I can do whatever I have dreamt of!
QUARANTINE, it is nothing but dream life, this is what a new definition for me of quarantine.
I put back together with the pieces of my bewildered, shattered and messed up life in a track, re-polished it with hopes, mold it with positive thoughts, sharped it with new goals, strengthen it with new bonds.
I refer to Gulzar sahab in this case, who said, "Thoda rafu kar ke dekhiye na, fir se nayi si lagegi........zindagi hi to hai".
How beautifully and deep these lines are.... isn't?
Its never too late to start afresh, get a new perspective of life in this lucky-quarantine.
"Pause and ponder a little today... and let the time pass"